March 2023 Communication
We had a very busy March meeting. The Lodge made a philanthropic donation to a local non-profit, had an historic educational talk, and hosted Brothers from another district in the jurisdiction. A great BBQ dinner followed to make for a fantastic evening!
September 2022 Communication
ICYMI - Just a few scenes from our September Communication and Installation of Officers. Congratulations to Wor. Brother Turnier and all of our Officers.
Newly installed officers of The Consolidated Lodge.
Then Master-Elect Br. Bradford Turnier reciting his Obligation.
Wor. M. Bradbury Marston receiving his portrait presented by Wor. Bradford Turnier on behalf of the lodge officers.
RW. DDGM. Peter J Lawson(center) with Wor. M. Bradbury Marston(right) and Wor. Bradford Turnier(left)
June 2022 Communication
What a fantastic end of our Masonic year. We raised two new Master Masons, Matthew James Lemming and Robert Saraceno Jr. We had seven Past Masters in Lodge, R.W. Mark Lichtenstein did a wonderful job with the Second Section long-form, and Wor. Colin Turner presented the Emblems beautifully (with a little help from Bro. Farshid Varasteh, Bro. Yuri Costa, and Bro. Philip Lund).
Eight Past Masters with D.D.G.M., Rt. Wor. Peter J. Lawson
Bro. Matthew J. Lemming, Rt. Wor. Peter J. Lawson, Wor. M. Brad Marston, Bro. Robert Saraceno, Jr.
Senior Deacon, Brother Evan Fisher, is presented the Master Builder Award by Rt. Wor. Brother Lawson.
Master-Elect Bro. Bradford E. Turnier, Rt. Wor. Peter Lawson, Wor. M. Brad Marston
Junior Past Master, Wor. Joe Susmeyer, presents Wor. Brad Marston his Past Master Jewel.
May 2022 Communication
May saw the return of our Table Lodge after two years of COVID-19 restrictions. The Lodge welcomed the District Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Peter J. Lawson and a suite of distinguished Masons. Brethren from Redwood City Lodge #35 in Rhode Island were well represented, including MW Gary Kaufman and MW Richard Sokoll. We presented a number of brothers their Masonic Anniversary pins, including Brother Samuel Fischer and RW Gary Miller, who received their 50-Year Veterans Medals.
Brother Samuel Fischer, Wor. M. Brad Marston, RW Peter J. Lawson, RW Gary C. Miller
The column in the South
The column in the North
We had a few empty seats. Hopefully, we’ll see you next year.