Upcoming events.

Towndsend Memorial Day Parade and MW Henry Price Wreath Laying Ceremony

Towndsend Memorial Day Parade and MW Henry Price Wreath Laying Ceremony

Please join The Henry Price Lodge & Charles W. Moore Lodge in the Townsend Memorial Day Parade and Wreath Laying Ceremony at the resting place of M.W. Henry Price.

Meet at the school no later than 2:00pm, the Parade starts at 2:30PM.

We will march in the Townsend Memorial Day Parade and continue about a mile to the Hillside Cemetery (31 Highland Street). We will place a wreath at the resting place of M.W. Henry Price and conduct a brief ceremony honoring the
founder of Freemasonry in America.

Officers in Tuxedos and Regalia*. Brothers in dark suits. Aprons may be worn. No Pocket Jewels.

If you have any questions, please call or text Bro Joe Firmani 978-855-0381

Following the ceremony, we will meet back at Charles W. Moore Lodge for lunch.

* By dispensation of Grand Master M.W. George Forest Hamilton

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Florida Breakfast

Florida Breakfast

It’s back! Following a several-year hiatus (and a global pandemic), the Florida Breakfast (now Luncheon) is back. This is a great opportunity for all of our Florida Brethren to join us for a meal and engage with your lodge.

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Carpet Ceremony and Installation of Officers

Carpet Ceremony and Installation of Officers

Join us as we welcome in the 2023-2024 Masonic year. The Grand Master and his suite will conduct a Carpet Ceremony in Dedication of the new name of The Henry Price Lodge. Following the ceremony, the Grand Lodge Officers will install the 2023-2024 Lodge Officers.

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